Sunday, November 23, 2014

Will got a Job!

We're working at the U of U in the Health Information Department and he will start December 1st. So much of the pressure that has been our constant companion these past seven years seems like it's starting to break free. I asked Will what he wanted for Christmas and he said-  a job with benefits-- with a smile we both know this is a day he has been waiting for for so long.

You can't imagine what it has been like these past years trying to prove or convince or teach other people to not treat "Dr. Blackhurst" differently. Will is so capable. He has been acing the tests in his classes and recently passed a CCA certification. I guess it's just hard for people to understand what happened to him and what comes next. It's been hard for us to understand.

What has happened instead is that we've had to fight to figure things out. And the future is still foggy- but it seems like at least for now the engine is started. Meanwhile, in moments like this when I look around and see so much heart ache in my community and even with my friends and family I think-- just keep going. You're making a difference. Everything you do leads to something - no matter how slow or far away it seems. Keep going!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Things are heating up!

Things have been busy lately. I admit to neglecting the blog, Actually I've been neglecting a lot of things. My house, my health, my sanity ;) Really, it hasn't been that bad, but I have to say our life is still vexed with what happened to my husband almost seven years ago in the middle of the night when a small clot cut loose from who knows where and lodged in his brain. 

We have ups and we have downs. Lately there have been more downs...  Every thing has been squeezed a little bit more with the addition of our third child. My time, my need to work more, the pressure on Will to get an education and a job. We've been running around like chickens with out heads cut off trying to keep up with our lives. Will is enrolled in three classes right now. He has been looking for jobs like no one elses business and he actually got a gig where he will be selling insurance for a month -- after that we hope to have our coding certificate and move into medical coding for a year or two. After that hopefully some managment area where he is working more closely with Drs on quality control stuff... Who knows what our future holds.

The message for today's blog is when things get tough-- I fall a part a little than I get going. I'd say the same about Will. It's like we doubt that things will go well. We blame all over again-- "why won't people give Will a chance?" or "why do we still have to deal with the effects of this stroke all these years later?" We stretch to find meaning, when really it's in front of us. Three beautiful sets of eyes looking at us with all the faith in the world that we will fill their cupboards for them and comfort them and be able to give them everything they need. Never doubting us or our abilities.

We are so lucky to have each other and I wish we could just skip the part where we doubt and just move on to the part where we have faith that everything will be OK. Because we know it will. Everything is for a reason and we feel so blessed for our little family and for all the experinces we have had and continue to have. We are on an extraoridanary journey.

So stay tuned for some of the next episodes for "How Will's world turns" Things are just heating up around here!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Crazy Times

I have been trying to figure out why this blog has got no loving from me lately. My mind feels like mush. I'm hyperextended in the area of raising kids and working and helping Will. My dreams and hopes seem to be muffled in the middle of it all right now. I haven't exercised in months and the thought of getting out on a run stresses me out to figure out all of the logisitics-- which one of my kids is sleeping and who needs to be fed and is Will hungry. Somedays I feel like I'm losing myself to be able to find the rest of the world. And I know losing yourself for other people can be good- but not taking care of oneself is bad too. I guess I don't know where the line is. And I know this post is getting off on some mommy woes tangent- but I think or I assume everyone faces this challenge in one way or another.

We don't take time to do the things that are important - to recharge the batteries. We work half baked sometimes and we're starting off on the wrong foot. I think we need to approach our days like we would training for a triathlon. Don't start out too fast- because you have to work up to where you need to be, but do start training. No matter how slow the progress- sharpen the saw. Say one more prayer today that you might not have. Take a walk, read your scriptures for five extra minutes. Take two more minutes to look at the sunset. Turn off the radio. Shut down facebook. Whatever it takes muffling isn't going to cut it. 

As for Will and I - I realized the other day I'm just so in love with him. We had the Mormon Channel interview us about our experince with his stroke-- and how we have made it through it all. I found myself just telling them how lucky I am to be with him. How happy I am that he survived. Seven years later - and with the trials still pouring in-- The bad isn't what stands out. His hundreds of job resumes without response, my plowing through the wee hours in the morning to get my work projects done. None of that really stands out at the end. What stands out is us. I love this man more than ever. I am so grateful for his hard work. He has never given up . He still sends out resumes and we're enrolled in another set of classes to get him some medical coding certificates. I am so proud of him. Someday he'll find his job, but in the meantime, we have each other and that is all that matters.

Keep with us on our journey all!


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Family- Isn't it about time ;)

I've been thinking lately about how hard things can get. The day to day routine, the work schedules, cleaning the house, raising the kids, potty training, sleep training, and the list goes on...its hard to breath in the middle of it all. 

After this particularly busy week I decided to try an experiment. Instead of working or kicking back to watch a movie at the end of this week I planned a date with my husband. We read under the stars. It was wonderful. It helped me to see more clearly what I had been missing. I was missing him!  

I guess the lesson is-- no matter how busy you get- NEVER be too busy for your family. They bring it all in perspective. They are the most valuable thing we should be doing with our time.

We're still really busy, as you can guess because this blog has got no love from us lately. But my husband is headed in a good direction.  He may be going back to school next month and we're looking into a totally different career field (again ;) That is all I'll tell you for now so stay tuned for more next time. Meanwhile, keep with us on our journey- even when we slack in keeping up with the blog.  We're still here. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

She's here!!

I can't believe how much I have neglected this blog! I hope you are out there and you are still reading. We are still here. My biggest excuse for not writing is about 8 lbs right now and keeps me up every other hour of the night!  Our baby girl was born March 8th at 11:30 pm. She came into the world in a hurry. I barley got to the hospital in time to get the epideral and deliver her 30 minutes later. Yikes- that was a close one!

She has quickly taken her place as the apple of my boys eyes. The boys and Will adore her! It is sweet how cute they are with her!  As for the other excuse for not blogging - Will is working more! He is working at a small medical marketing start up company with some other guys downtown Salt Lake City. They do writing, doctor referral marketing, SEO, and so on. Check them out and send some business their way It is a great group of guys- especially cause my guy is one of them ;)

As for what happens instead- We are busy busy parents of a busy busy toddler and two other kiddies too. My newborn is robbing me of my sleep and sometimes I think my toddler is robbing me of my sanity. With Will and I's work schedule picking up -- we have to work harder to be able to work together. But our family is worth the work and worth the hard. I'm glad I have a husband on board- that doesn't stop when the going gets rough.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Focusing on people not things

I know I write a lot about what matters most in this blog. I think our situation, really pushes us to focus on the basics, because so much of what is not basic was lost. That dream of a Dr's career, the big house, the nice cars, the exoctic vacations, and so on... I don't really think it is a bad thing that we didn't get or for now don't have these things. I actually believe that someday when we do have more "financial opportunity" it will be more difficult for me to focus on what matters most. Things can "cloud" up what matters most. I don't mean that they always do I just think they can.

I am so grateful for my husband and baby boys and the baby I carry. I feel so lucky to have them. I don't know what I would do without them. It's a lot of work to keep up with - the young mother thing, working at night, helping my husband regain a career in the medical field, and so on-- but everytime I think about the work-- I know I am doing the work for the things that matter most. It matters most that I can be home with my litttle ones and help provide. It matters most that my husband is busy everyday "rebuilding" a career. It matters most that we are all healthy and together. What matters most is that the Savior in his ultimate sacrifce in giving his life so that my husband can "heal" from his physical aliments, and we have the promise of an eternity as a family in this life and the next. I am grateful for my family and for my faith. These are the things that matter most. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Let it Go

I just watched Frozen with my husband and little boy Ben. In the movie there is a song that I just love... where the ice princess finally accepts who she is and walks away from everyone who has told her to be different, and hold back. I think I'll give 2013 the "Let it Go" theme. Walk away from everyone's expectations- on what my hubby should be doing with his life, what kind of parent I should be, how I should disipline, how many kids I should have, and the list goes on.

Reaching inward is so much more empowering than reaching outward. Trying to get acceptance from all the wrong places just makes things wrong. The less I listen to the "naysayers" the happier I am with me. When I "Let it Go" I become responsible for my own future- and I'm not passing the buck  or blaming someone else who has different ideas or plans for us.

I guess if I were to turn the phrase "Let it go" into something else- it would be "Forgive" don't let anyone be responsible for your happiness. Let it go. Let go what is hard- and be yourself. Only then can you become who you truly want to be. This theme may need to spill into 2014 as I'm still pinching myself when I have unkind thoughts about whatever issues I might be feeling inadequte about. We can be whoever we want to be. But the only way to be that person is to Let go of the people we are not - angry, hurt, fearful.