Sunday, October 26, 2014

Things are heating up!

Things have been busy lately. I admit to neglecting the blog, Actually I've been neglecting a lot of things. My house, my health, my sanity ;) Really, it hasn't been that bad, but I have to say our life is still vexed with what happened to my husband almost seven years ago in the middle of the night when a small clot cut loose from who knows where and lodged in his brain. 

We have ups and we have downs. Lately there have been more downs...  Every thing has been squeezed a little bit more with the addition of our third child. My time, my need to work more, the pressure on Will to get an education and a job. We've been running around like chickens with out heads cut off trying to keep up with our lives. Will is enrolled in three classes right now. He has been looking for jobs like no one elses business and he actually got a gig where he will be selling insurance for a month -- after that we hope to have our coding certificate and move into medical coding for a year or two. After that hopefully some managment area where he is working more closely with Drs on quality control stuff... Who knows what our future holds.

The message for today's blog is when things get tough-- I fall a part a little than I get going. I'd say the same about Will. It's like we doubt that things will go well. We blame all over again-- "why won't people give Will a chance?" or "why do we still have to deal with the effects of this stroke all these years later?" We stretch to find meaning, when really it's in front of us. Three beautiful sets of eyes looking at us with all the faith in the world that we will fill their cupboards for them and comfort them and be able to give them everything they need. Never doubting us or our abilities.

We are so lucky to have each other and I wish we could just skip the part where we doubt and just move on to the part where we have faith that everything will be OK. Because we know it will. Everything is for a reason and we feel so blessed for our little family and for all the experinces we have had and continue to have. We are on an extraoridanary journey.

So stay tuned for some of the next episodes for "How Will's world turns" Things are just heating up around here!

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