Sunday, March 23, 2014

She's here!!

I can't believe how much I have neglected this blog! I hope you are out there and you are still reading. We are still here. My biggest excuse for not writing is about 8 lbs right now and keeps me up every other hour of the night!  Our baby girl was born March 8th at 11:30 pm. She came into the world in a hurry. I barley got to the hospital in time to get the epideral and deliver her 30 minutes later. Yikes- that was a close one!

She has quickly taken her place as the apple of my boys eyes. The boys and Will adore her! It is sweet how cute they are with her!  As for the other excuse for not blogging - Will is working more! He is working at a small medical marketing start up company with some other guys downtown Salt Lake City. They do writing, doctor referral marketing, SEO, and so on. Check them out and send some business their way It is a great group of guys- especially cause my guy is one of them ;)

As for what happens instead- We are busy busy parents of a busy busy toddler and two other kiddies too. My newborn is robbing me of my sleep and sometimes I think my toddler is robbing me of my sanity. With Will and I's work schedule picking up -- we have to work harder to be able to work together. But our family is worth the work and worth the hard. I'm glad I have a husband on board- that doesn't stop when the going gets rough.

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