Sunday, June 23, 2013

Something even better

What does it all mean? It's such a big difference. Living on a Doctor's salary or living on less than nothing at all within a few years. Reconciling the debt behind medical school and the bills that goes towards the recovery from a stroke. It's quite a big blow. How will we ever get ahead now? How is my husband supposed to feel about this?

A big house, nice cars, huge backyard, lets throw in trips to Italy, a boat or a cabin. This is the kind of future he was working for and hoping for. A life where finances was not a struggle. He really deserves these things right? Eight years in college, 30 hour residency shifts…. and the list goes on.

When you are actually living this reality, you think about it a lot. You think about what if we had this or what if we could go do this? It's easy to feel gipped. It's easy to be really disappointed, depressed even. But we aren't. Want to know why? We've discovered something even better.
Whenever my husband and I think about "what if," or "why did this happen?" - it always comes back to what we have now. A really great family and a lot of love. We don't ever feel wanting. Our kids are OK. We're OK-- meaning does not come from things it comes from you and me. It comes from us. 

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