Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's a...

We haven't forgotten about this blog. We are still here. I think life gets more "normal" as time goes on. Like the things we thought we couldn't live with are becoming more bearable…. aka Will not being a doctor or not finding the perfect career off the bat - even though he has incredible potential.

It really is relationships, and not the careers or things, that make life bearable. That make life worthwhile. We are very happy together. We are very happy with our children. We feel very blessed. Meanwhile, Will is still writing - he has been writing more the past few months and this is great! I can only imagine that it will be just a matter of time before Will is in a rewarding full time career/job. As for now though- having a husband around so much to help with the kids and laundry is out of this world. I don't know what I will do when he does find that full time gig!  I love him more everyday. What a wonderful man I married. I can't wait for the rest of our life!

ps You're also due for a little announcement. We are having a baby girl!!!! We are soooo excited!!!

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