Sunday, December 15, 2013

This Christmas

Friday night we decided to throw out the list of Christmas to dos- shop, bake, clean, visit, and so on, to spend our evening with just our boys. We walked through the down town lights, lingered in a few playgrounds, chased after horse drawn carriages and waited in line at a small cafe for hot chocolate, warm soup and deluxe sanwhiches.

I guess I thought becuase I had spent a majority of my life single and traveling and reading and meeting new people - I had already come to know the best there was. But I did not know the best was yet to come. Marrying Will has been great. Building a family with him has been even better. I think the holidays make this more apparent than other times during the year. 

My heart is full. Sharing this season with my eternal companion and two beautiful children.  Nothing compares with these three relationships. Watching them grow and forge character that would not be there without the warmth of love and their forgiving ways. I am so grateful for my husband, for his life and for his goodness. I am grateful he is willing to work by my side to build our family. 

This Christmas season I hope you take time to be grateful for the greatest gifts you have been given.Take time to throw out the Christmas to do list to enjoy what matters most. 

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