Sunday, June 5, 2016

Something better...

Photo Credit:Will Blackhurst

I assume theses words will reach some eyes so I will continue to share, when I can, what it is to have your whole world change and try to start new. I know these entries are much like a calendar ticking further and further away from the day Will had his stroke(more than eight years ago). It's easy to forget anything happened at all after a while. We have our new normal. The kids hardly know that dad was ever a doctor and it will be years before they understand at one moment he was on deaths door.

These moments define a person, though. Will and I of course feel more deeply for anyone who has the rug jerked out from underneath them as they struggle with new health challenges or unexpected life changes. I think the biggest change, is as much as we would like to complain - because we didn't land a career with excess cash, or haven't been able to have a bigger house, or travel as much or eat out very much - we can't complain. It would be so ungrateful of us if we did. We got something better than a big house or exotic vacations. We found out what was more important. We found the stuff so many people would give their whole life to have--not only did Will live but we found an incredible love. On the other side of a whole lot of horrible we found peace.

What has happened instead? We aren't so angry anymore when the fairness scales do not tip in our favor. In our extremities we have come to know that faith in our Savior can lift us from the darkest of days. That happiness has little to do with worldly favor or wealth and everything to do with how you choose to rise when you're knocked down. Who you choose to follow in your darkest of days. I know we aren't the only ones who can sing this song. I know there are so many out there that have ridden through the rain of pain of loss and sadness and found something better. I just join my voice with them - I know my Savior lives, He is aware of us and in fact it is in these most difficult times when His greatness is revealed.

D&C 6:34 Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if you are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.

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