Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year

Things are going great for us. Will is doing good in his job and he is aceing all of his tests for his classes. I'm afraid to hope that this is the new normal - we've spent a long time under the umbrella of rejection and "its not time yet" and "how long can we survive financially" and you name it - we've been through it :).

The other aspect of our life is our three children- which has been better than we could have hoped for even if the logistics to raising these tikes is pretty crazy sometimes. Like, it's practically impossible to take them all shopping (picture me carrying the baby in one arm, straping the todller into the front of the cart and barricading the four year old in the grocery cart). It also takes 45 mins to get my kiddies twenty feet (from the house and loaded into the car) but we can't complain- I mean heck look at the pictures they are soooo cute! 

Meanwhile, our job, our home, and our little family- they are humble beginings but at least they are beginings. We have high hopes for Will. He is as smart as ever and is learning to balance all the balls of working, schooling, and daddying (and husbanding). Wish us luck in our new adventure and keep us in your prayers- we've got a long but hopeful road ahead of us.

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