Sunday, November 22, 2015

To love another person...

The thought of wars abroad and contention in our homeland have been a real downer for me lately. I'm not sure why these things have been weighing on my heart- it could be the political climate in the world - with terrorism threats and the contentions within religions and against organized religions. But sometimes you sit down at the end of the day and wonder if there is any good in the world. I'm convinced that we don't find God in the noise and the loud clamors for justice. But we find him in the quiet whisperings for mercy and subdued tones of humility. We find him in on our knees, and in our whispers to him for understanding and peace.

Another place we find God is in our love for others and from others. "To love another person is to see the face of God," Victor Hugo.  I don't think we can spend enough time telling someone we care about them or showing them by serving them. No time is misspent when it is in the service of our fellowman.  And the more we dwell on how much we have been hurt by another person and how much so and so needs to pay for their misdeeds, that time is a complete waste.

Love conquers all. No matter the heartache and pain there will always be love, and compassion. And if for some reason it isn't staring you in the face - go out and find it because as long as I have lived I have never ceased to be impressed with the unending sacrifice and compassion of others. There is always someone to love and that will love you back, even if it is simply our Savior Jesus Christ-reach out to Him and He will not leave you without.

As for our better day -- Will got a promotion at his job and is still soldiering through a years worth of classes so he can get a certificate for Health Information management. We are closing on a home in Kaysville tomorrow and we couldn't be more thrilled. And finally our children are the light in our life. They are sweet and loving and I don't know what I will do when my cute baby is too old to hold and snuggle. We love being parents and we love being married.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Keeping up

I'm going to say it. It's cliche coming from a young mom, but I am going to say it. I AM TIRED! I can't seem to catch a break! Every time I plan to get to bed earlier my kids wake up more during the night and every time I want a longer afternoon nap- that is when I have to do laundry or clean or follow through with my threat to take away tv privileges (which I think every mom knows it's harder on us than it is the children! Without the tv we are their 24/7 entertainment!)

What does this have to do with "what happens instead" -- well I think life happens instead. It isn't as glamorous as it seems- the cute toddler the adorable baby and the handsome pre-kindergartener-- they all take tons of work! And when I say tons I mean TONS of work. What I am learning though, isn't to just slow down and enjoy these days where the hugs and calling for mom never end. It's how to better manage my time. To save time for each one of my children, for my husband and for myself and for neighbors and friends and other family members. It really is all important and instead of wishing away a piece of these relationships -- I think it is possible to hold onto them and nourish them even with limited time. The secret is time management -- don't get caught too long on Facebook or in that well deserved nap. Take time to prepare a head so when those relationship opportunities present themselves you can embrace them. And you don't have to push away your toddler because you forgot to shop for a meal and now you're scrambling or you don't have to say no to crossing the street to say hi to a friend because you already cleaned your room.

I know it isn't possible to be 100 percent all of the time on all of this. But I am learning it is more important than ever to keep on top of things so the things that matter most have most of your time. I hope this blog wasn't too "mommy blog" - I think it applies to pretty much anyone with a lot on their plate (which is almost everybody). Stay with us on our journey. We love you and appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What really matters

What really matters seems to be the end all be all explanation to what really happened to my husband. His story is a little more dramatic because I mean medical school and medical residency and so much hard work and so much money/school loans. Isn't the MD what really matters? Doesn't having eight years of higher level education what matters most?  At first it was. Will was devastated. All he wanted to do was get back into his car and drive to Ohio. Put on his drs badge and take care of patients. It was what he had dreamed of doing since a young teenager. And when that was gone. It was all that mattered, and he was very sad. I was very sad for him. But then something happened. Something else, neither of us had planned for. Being back in the same state again I felt complete. I felt at peace whenever I was with him. I couldn't wait to see him everyday and even though our dates were sometimes in the office of a neuropsychologist or to a speech therapy appointment, it never got old. Being with him is what really mattered. I'm not going to say that the love we felt for one another made the heart ache go away, but it did make it bearable. 

The relationships we have are what really matter. They transcend eight years of college and a prominent career and anything else you can throw in the mix. We matter. Being together matters.  I'm so grateful to be married to my best friend. I'm so glad that we took that leap of faith- not knowing what our future would hold and how far Will would come back from the stroke. We both often say -- being together is the best decision we have ever made. And as for Will's MD, we only feel grateful that we are headed in a direction where we believe someday it will be useful again. For now we're happy to have him working and preforming well at work. In the meantime I feel like I am married to some Ken Jennings-- He knows everything about everything and someday that brain of his will be put to full use again.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A House, almost

What happened instead this last month is Will and I didn't get the house we wanted. It was 100 years old and it looked like it was right out of a Jane Austen novel/movie. It was so cute! Our hearts broke a little, but mostly my mind changed. Why is it so hard to distinguish between what we need and what we want? We need food, water, air and shelter. But how much of it? Where does it stop? And if we do get more shelter or tastier food is it a sin?  Sometimes wondered if our "wealth" has been taken away (since our dr had a stroke) as some sort of punishment. As if we did something wrong and now we have to "pay for it" - but really I know his stroke isn't a punishment and our lack of material possessions doesn't mean we are less than the next person.

Value has nothing to do with money or big houses or tasty steak dinners. Rich or poor, president of the United States, or homeless man on the street - they have the same value. Obviously we are all handed different stories in this life and some are wrought with poverty, others addiction and others mental illness, but we all have something. Something really difficult to deal with. It is for us to pick up our cross and to move forward- and much like the Savior as we bear those burdens our soul begins to enlarge. Our love for others increases. Our gratitude for small things grows.

So instead of getting our home- we got something else. Another life lesson. One that helps us to feel more deeply and lean more on each other and on our Lord and Redeemer. Will did not sin and as a result have a stroke. Our not getting the home wasn't a punishment. Sometimes something else happens instead. And that is ok.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year

Things are going great for us. Will is doing good in his job and he is aceing all of his tests for his classes. I'm afraid to hope that this is the new normal - we've spent a long time under the umbrella of rejection and "its not time yet" and "how long can we survive financially" and you name it - we've been through it :).

The other aspect of our life is our three children- which has been better than we could have hoped for even if the logistics to raising these tikes is pretty crazy sometimes. Like, it's practically impossible to take them all shopping (picture me carrying the baby in one arm, straping the todller into the front of the cart and barricading the four year old in the grocery cart). It also takes 45 mins to get my kiddies twenty feet (from the house and loaded into the car) but we can't complain- I mean heck look at the pictures they are soooo cute! 

Meanwhile, our job, our home, and our little family- they are humble beginings but at least they are beginings. We have high hopes for Will. He is as smart as ever and is learning to balance all the balls of working, schooling, and daddying (and husbanding). Wish us luck in our new adventure and keep us in your prayers- we've got a long but hopeful road ahead of us.