Sunday, November 22, 2015

To love another person...

The thought of wars abroad and contention in our homeland have been a real downer for me lately. I'm not sure why these things have been weighing on my heart- it could be the political climate in the world - with terrorism threats and the contentions within religions and against organized religions. But sometimes you sit down at the end of the day and wonder if there is any good in the world. I'm convinced that we don't find God in the noise and the loud clamors for justice. But we find him in the quiet whisperings for mercy and subdued tones of humility. We find him in on our knees, and in our whispers to him for understanding and peace.

Another place we find God is in our love for others and from others. "To love another person is to see the face of God," Victor Hugo.  I don't think we can spend enough time telling someone we care about them or showing them by serving them. No time is misspent when it is in the service of our fellowman.  And the more we dwell on how much we have been hurt by another person and how much so and so needs to pay for their misdeeds, that time is a complete waste.

Love conquers all. No matter the heartache and pain there will always be love, and compassion. And if for some reason it isn't staring you in the face - go out and find it because as long as I have lived I have never ceased to be impressed with the unending sacrifice and compassion of others. There is always someone to love and that will love you back, even if it is simply our Savior Jesus Christ-reach out to Him and He will not leave you without.

As for our better day -- Will got a promotion at his job and is still soldiering through a years worth of classes so he can get a certificate for Health Information management. We are closing on a home in Kaysville tomorrow and we couldn't be more thrilled. And finally our children are the light in our life. They are sweet and loving and I don't know what I will do when my cute baby is too old to hold and snuggle. We love being parents and we love being married.